(Greek > Latin: to bear, to support, to endure)
aerotolerant (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to microorganisms that are able to grow in the presence of air: Tiny aerotolerant organisms derive their energy by fermentation rather than by respiration.
Tiny aerotolerant creatures can grow in an aerobic environment with only a small amount of air.
barotolerant (adjective), more barotolerant, most barotolerant
Relating to or describing a microorganism that grows optimally at standard atmospheric pressure and is able to grow at higher pressures as well.
cryotolerant (adjective), more cryotolerant, most cryotolerant
Relating to the ability to exist in very low temperatures: Mr. Timmons asked his students to write down any cryotolerant plants in their gardens that were able to thriving throughout they very cold winter days.
halotolerant (adjective), more halotolerant, most halotolerant
Descriptive of an organism that endures a saline or a high salty environment: Halotolerant species usually exist in regions like hypersaline lakes, saline deserts, salt marshes, and coastal dunes.
intolerability (noun), intolerabilities (pl)
The impossibility to accept or to live with someone or something; unbearableness: The intolerability of his illness caused him much suffering and all he wanted was to stay at home.
intolerable (adjective), more intolerable, most intolerable
1. Descriptive of something that is so bad, difficult, or painful that it cannot be endured: Ted had such an intolerable pain in his back that he could not sleep.
2. A reference to a situation that is very unpleasant or terribly annoying: The intolerable noise from the drilling in the street has greatly upset the people who live nearby.

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2. A reference to a situation that is very unpleasant or terribly annoying: The intolerable noise from the drilling in the street has greatly upset the people who live nearby.

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A condition of not being moderate in degree nor capable of being endured: The intolerableness of being caught on the highway during the snow storm made it very difficult to survive during the four hours that it took to clear the traffic jam so Maria and her two children could finally get home.
intolerably (adverb), more intolerably, most intolerably
1. A reference to how a situation is impossible to tolerate or endure; unbearably: Mary suffered intolerably with an agony that made her life miserable.
2. Concerning how something is beyond endurance: Last winter was intolerably cold, then the summer was intolerably hot and dry.
2. Concerning how something is beyond endurance: Last winter was intolerably cold, then the summer was intolerably hot and dry.
The road work outside Tom's house was intolerably deafening and nerve-wracking!
1. The quality or condition of being incapable of living in certain situations.
2. An unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in the opinions or beliefs of others.
3. An unwillingness or refusal to respect contrary opinions or beliefs, or persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.
4. The incapacity or indisposition to bear or to endure something: Jim's mother had an intolerance to excessively hot weather.
5. In medicine, an extreme sensitivity or inability to withstand, or an allergy to a drug, food, or other substance: Shirley had a lactose intolerance.
2. An unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in the opinions or beliefs of others.
3. An unwillingness or refusal to respect contrary opinions or beliefs, or persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.
4. The incapacity or indisposition to bear or to endure something: Jim's mother had an intolerance to excessively hot weather.
5. In medicine, an extreme sensitivity or inability to withstand, or an allergy to a drug, food, or other substance: Shirley had a lactose intolerance.
intolerant (adjective), more intolerant, most intolerant
1. Unwilling to accept differences of opinion.
2. Being narrow-minded about cherished beliefs.
3. Showing an unwillingness or refusal to accept people who are different, or have views, beliefs, or lifestyles that are not the same as one's own; such as, an intolerant society.
4. Easily angered or annoyed: Hank is intolerant of vulgar talk.
5. Unable to thrive or to survive in a particular environment.
2. Being narrow-minded about cherished beliefs.
3. Showing an unwillingness or refusal to accept people who are different, or have views, beliefs, or lifestyles that are not the same as one's own; such as, an intolerant society.
4. Easily angered or annoyed: Hank is intolerant of vulgar talk.
5. Unable to thrive or to survive in a particular environment.
intolerantly (adverb), more intolerantly, most intolerantly
1. Not respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc. which are different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. Unable or not willing to live in certain conditions.
2. Unable or not willing to live in certain conditions.
Not endured; not tolerated.
1. Lacking tolerance; a refusal to tolerate a difference of opinion.
2. Intolerance; refusal to tolerate others in their opinions or worship.
2. Intolerance; refusal to tolerate others in their opinions or worship.
Enduring heat; said of bacteria whose activity is not checked or hindered by high temperature.
tolerability (s) (noun), tolerabilities /pl)
1. Capable of being accepted; endurability: Mrs. Smart, the teacher, said there was absolutely no tolerability for the student's arrogance.
2. The capacity of being fairly good; satisfactoriness: The family wondered if the tolerability, of the old washing machine was still acceptable for using another year, or if they should buy a new one as a replacement.
2. The capacity of being fairly good; satisfactoriness: The family wondered if the tolerability, of the old washing machine was still acceptable for using another year, or if they should buy a new one as a replacement.
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